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Aristide Maillol (French, 1861-1944)

“Action Enchained” 1906

Bronze 213×104×95 cm

Aristide Maillol was originally active as one of the painters of the Nabis movement together with Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) and Edouard Vuillard(1868-1940) and he did not begin work as a sculptor until the age of 40. His sculptures of women have few sharp protrusions, but rather consist of a series of full, rounded forms. This work was made as a memorial to the socialist Louis Auguste Blanqui (1805-1881), who spent many years in prison. She stands with her hands tied behind her back and her body twisting to one side, creating a sense of dynamic movement that is rare in Maillol’s work. The volume of the voluptuous woman’s body combined with a masculine face overpowers the viewer.